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Yottalands Inc.


2002 电机工程与应用电子技术系-


刘屹洲1983年,出生于北京市,2006年毕业于清华大学电气工程及其自动化专业,随后赴美国加州理工学院完成电子工程硕士学位,毕业后在甲骨文硅谷总部从事软件开发工作。2014年刘屹洲与加州理工学院的同窗好友共同创立社交链接网站Papaly,使网络链接的收藏及分享更加便捷,公司位于美国加州Palo Alto市。
Papaly is a bookmark management and discovery tool. We exist to make your web browsing a little easier by helping you save and organize your bookmarks into collections called boards. Inside each board, you can have multiple categories with related links. Use these boards to build a collection of bookmarks related to a topic. Maybe a collection of your favorite blogs or blog posts about a subject, or a collection of bookmarks about science and technology. We are an independent, privately held company headquartered in Palo Alto, California.